Red Herring Gin Bar

The Red Herring Gin Bar is a fictional speakeasy that produces their own seasonally rotating gin.

Logo animation

The Red Herring Gin Bar’s logotype and logomark are animated into a short and delightful gif using AfterEffects.


Each seasonal gin has its own unique ingredient list which is illustrated as a bouquet of sorts with the Red Herring logo mark as the centerpiece. Each bouquet is wrapped in a seasonal bow or decoration (in the case of the bunting for the summer gin). The names are inspired by famous red herrings in literature.

Gin Labels


Gin Bottle

The gin bottles’ design, aside from the labels, showcase the ABV of each gin on the Red Herring logo’s hook.


The stationery for the gin bar needed to be professional while maintaining the brand’s playful nature. A typewriting font is used to evoke the prohibition era wherein speakeasies first originated, and only the tail of the logo is shown on the various stationery items, beckoning the reader to follow.



Ebook covers/ Saga Egmont


Creative Writing Anthology